Sunday, April 02, 2006

On turning 25 and other things

Yup, 25 and over the hill. Hahaha! The age of 25 ought to be a landmark of sorts. Instead I see turning quarter-life somehow the way I would see an opening in the earth being closed in as I stare in anguish from some musty underground compartment. When you get past 25, there's no more excuse for being infantile and naive. Not that I actually see myself as that (ahahaha), but it's more of the lack of comfort in hiding behind the convenient excuse of being young.


The YSEI Capacity Building Workshop is over. We cross our fingers, and wait for the news. In the meantime though, we work, work, work. If you want to check out the press release, visit the Global Knowledge Partnership website. I was amazed and inspired by the people and programs I met and learned from. I think I also gained a new patch of white hair from summoning my left brain to rise to the challenge of accomplishing the requirements. Thank God for the relentless mentoring of the YSEI team, the encouragement and tips from my fellow finalists, and the prayers from my good friends.

I updated my Fotopage.


GXP Team 52 is currently in Davao. Good luck you guys! Enjoy.


Blogger hlF said...

congrats marielle! may you have a good year quarter life! andito lang ako pag dumating ang quarter life crisis mo. hehehehe

12:16 PM  

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